a sea of macbooks

Judging by these survey results (Section 701), Apple really sealed that monopoly on McGill students’ laptop purchases, eh?

From our class tech survey results, I was especially surprised by the fact that one hundred percent of the group uses a Mac laptop. 100%! Not a single classmate who filled this survey out has opted for a different device?

(Although, these results do take me back to my in-person lecture days (which I’ve come to miss hugely, something I never would have thought I’d say this time last year). I, alongside so many of my peers, would pull out my very-expensive, glorified word processor, online shopper, and social media browser, and type far too loudly. It was a sense of camaraderie, I suppose.)

In all seriousness, these results certainly got me thinking about how and why we all made the choice that we did. Why didn’t we go for another computer. Of course, some part of it was certainly the fact that we thought it was the “best”. However, what were the other portions of the pie? Was it an aesthetic thing? Was it a sense of belonging? Was it a desire to symbolize status of some sort? These are all questions roaming around my mind now.

However, as it stands, I’m still incredibly happy with my decision to purchase a MacBook. I bought it four years ago, and it operates as though it’s essentially brand new.

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