about me

hey! I’m Aspen.

growing up, I always loved food.

I lived in a small town called Hartland, New Brunswick for the first eighteen years of my life, before moving to Montreal, Quebec for university, which meant I didn’t always have access to the best restaurants or grocery stores. But food was a passion of my parents’, so they made do with what we did have.

On the television at any given time were often food-related TV shows of some kind. For example, I grew up watching so much Anthony Bourdain, and was devastated by his passing. 

At the same time, I’m incredibly passionate about sustainability and ethical consumerism. And when it comes to food, I don’t think you have to compromise on these things. You can get fair trade goods, locally-farmed veggies, and nowadays, all kinds of delicious plant-based alternatives. My favourites include Camino chocolate bars and Kicking Horse coffee, and I love tossing whatever fresh veggies I have into pasta. Now that it’s fall, I’m also indulging in all kinds of delicious, crunchy, and local apples!

So on this blog, I’ll venture to do food sustainably and ethically. I’ll review fair trade products, I’ll interview those making a splash in the vegetarian restaurant scene, and I’ll tell you how to save money and the planet through what you eat. Stay tuned, and see you soon!