an open letter to all environmentalists

Dear Environmentalists, If there is one thing I want to say to you, it’s thank you. You are doing a lot to make the world a better place, and it’s something to be proud of. But, remember you don’t have to be perfect all of the time. We are inherently imperfect beings and we have… Continue reading an open letter to all environmentalists

the emblem of zero waste: the “trash jar”

Anyone who has considered going zero waste, or has simply even come across a zero waster’s social media account can probably already picture it in their mind: the picture-perfect glass mason jar, filled with random scraps of garbage. The individual behind it claims it contains their only waste for the past insert-whatever-impressive-timespan (eg. 6 months,… Continue reading the emblem of zero waste: the “trash jar”

“sustainability guilt” and re-centering joy: interview with juliette escande, sustainable food aficionado

Aspen: So, tell me about your history with food and sustainability. Juliette: I became vegetarian for weird reasons. I started living by myself from a young age and I was worried about how I’d ensure I stayed healthy. So I decided to make a change in my diet. I knew that if I focused on… Continue reading “sustainability guilt” and re-centering joy: interview with juliette escande, sustainable food aficionado

my case for meal kits: a realistic review of hellofresh.

Me, getting ready to cook 🙂 I take a lot of pride in considering myself something of an amateur chef (read: someone who watches a lot of cooking content on YouTube). So whenever I saw ads on social media for meal kit services like HelloFresh, I quickly scrolled past. I thought they were ridiculous. Overpriced,… Continue reading my case for meal kits: a realistic review of hellofresh.